Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tips to Greeting the Return Husband that Working On Foreign City

Idealnya sebuah pasangan suami isteri memang berkumpul bersama dalam satu rumah dan dapat bertemu setiap hari. Namun karena sesuatu hal, tidak sedikit yang menjalani kehidupan suami isteri dengan berpisahnya di antara mereka. Yang cukup banyak terjadi adalah suami yang bekerja di luar kota sehingga tidak bisa setiap hari pulang berkumpul dengan anak dan isterinya. Dalam kasus seperti ini maka saat-saat kepulangan sang suami adalah moment yang langka dan harus diperhatikan secara khusus agar terjadi kompensasi atas hal-hal yang kurang selama perpisahan. Baik pihak suami maupun isteri harus mempersiapkan agar pertemuan mereka menjadi berkualitas.

Pada tulisan kali ini akan diterangkan hal-hal apa saja yang sepatutnya dipersiapkan pihak isteri untuk menyambut kedatangan sang suami. Semoga di waktu mendatang akan ada tulisan baru mengenai hal-hal yang harus disiapkan suami.

Jika Anda seorang isteri yang mempunyai suami bekerja di luar kota maka hal-hal sebagai berikut perlu diperhatikan :

  1. Persiapkan segala sesuatunya menjelang jadual kepulangan suami. Jika suami pulang setiap Sabtu malam maka usahakan semua sudah siap pada Sabtu sore, sebelum si Dia sampai ke rumah.

  2. Berusahalah tidur siang agar kepenatan bekerja mengurus rumah tidak mengganggu malam perjumpaan yang istimewa. Suami bisa kecewa jika malam itu Anda terlihat loyo, ngantuk dan akhirnya tidur gasik.

  3. Rapikan dan bersihkan rumah sehingga tidak menimbulkan perasaan kurang nyaman.

  4. Berdandanlah sehingga suami akan sangat senang memandang Anda.

  5. Rapikan kamar dan tempat tidur, berilah heharuman.

  6. Siapkan makanan dan minuman kesukaan suami.

  7. Mengertilah bahwa bagi suami, setelah lama meninggalkan isteri maka kebutuhan sex menjadi sangat dominan. Kadang suami malu mengemukakan ini. Oleh karena itu setelah sambutan awal, makan, minum, mandi, shalat Maghrib/Isya,bercengerama sekedarnya dengan anak-anak, lanjutkanlah bercengkerama di tempat tidur.

  8. Gantilah pakaian Anda dengan pakaian sexi yang disukai suami.

  9. Pakailah parfum yang disukai suami.

  10. Dan bercintalah dengannya sepuasnya.

Dalam mempersiapkan hal ini terkadang kendalanya adalah anak-anak yang juga sudah rindu akan kepulangan ayah mereka sehingga merekapun ingin menguasai ayahnya. Dalam mengatasi hal ini kita harus bijaksana karena memang untuk mereka jugalah kita berjuang. Mereka punya hak untuk itu. Jadi sebenarnya adalah pengaturan waktu saja. Bisa saja anak-anak dibujuk untuk segera tidur dengan janji besok pagi mereka akan pergi bersama ayah ke tempat yang mereka sukai. Atau tawarkan anak-anak untuk bermalam di tempat saudara atau nenek, dengan janji besok pagi akan dijemput oleh ayah, kemudian main bersama.

Read more about cari rumah dijual

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fiqh for Traveller : Fasting or Breaking?


The traveler has to choose between fast-and-breakfast, regardless of the length of the journey: the journey is whether a state of emergency, for a pilgrimage to visit relatives, business, or whether, and believes, is the frequent traveler such as aircraft pilots, truck drivers and bus, train Engineers, or captains of ships. As for taxi drivers, if the warm weather, and it may change the working hours at night even colder weather. There is one condition: that they do not intend to make their way towards a farce and a ploy to avoid fast. If that was the intent, and breakfast, fasting and prohibits become mandatory during the flight.

Allah (SWT) states: "But if any one is ill or on the trip (the period should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you in difficulties ... " Al-Qur'an, 2:185) and reiterated this verse God twice to underline the fact that it had not terminated with the General Command of quickly.

Verse mentioned above has considered the hardship faced by equal a hardship disease, and therefore allows both those that faced with the requirement of non-highway. Perhaps the reason can be found in the very meaning of the word Arab zero, which implies exposing oneself during the flight elements of the hardship in transportation, food, time and climate changes, and cultural shocks of all kinds, or just general wear and tear.

Even in this age of aircraft and supersonic air travel, travel poses a danger to the Sojourner. Because of this possibility, the legislature has allowed the traveler to eat, so fast does not add to the already difficult situation. That is why the Messenger of Allah (saas) have been reported as saying, "The trip is a kind of punishment." Him or her, but must form today. So not a quick trip is the same person if it is decided quickly, round-trip, while it can be done fast and true.
The type of flight

A trip may have breakfast, which is located in the default category of prayer (Palace), and from breakage of the period for which one can shorten his prayers.
What is the best, or break the fast?

In the analysis of the situation traveler, and many of the best scientists in this case is what is the easiest of the traveler Al ashal), on fasting or not fasting, if the same for him, the best thing is rapid, Ll the following reasons:

This was the preference of the Prophet (saas) related by Abu Darda (Ra), which said: "We are traveling with the Prophet (saas) during the month of Ramadan when it was very hot (the season). Some of us shaded ourselves with our hands, because of the Free. No one was our only fast between the Prophet and Abdullah bin Abi Rawahah. Nabi fast in consideration of his comrades when he learned that the more quickly the best of his comrades and bring them to unnecessary hardship. "(Muslim)

On the other side from talking about Jaber bin Abdullah (Ra): "When the Prophet (saas) journey to Mecca, in the year of victory, fasted so that they reached the place known as Al Kara'ah Ghamin was aware of his colleagues who were Have difficulty with the fast speeds, so they are waiting to see what he does. Prophet (saas) then asked the full bowl with water after prayer times and drank it while everyone was looking forward. " (Reported by Muslim)

This hadeeth indicates how best to fast during the trip, unless there is an unreasonable hardship.

Another reason why fasting is the best because it helps to meet the rapidly obligation without any delay. Because you do not know when death or illness has come; Moreover, it is easier to quickly when all believers are fast at the same time. That is why they say that it is difficult obligations, and when done with other Muslims, and become easier. It is easier to fast the whole month of Ramadan; while, and when people miss a day of the month of Ramadan, he may quickly postponed until his Shaaban, before the month of Ramadan.

If fasting is difficult for him during the trip, the traveler should be fast. In the past through modern Jaber (Ra), when the Prophet break the fast because of the difficulty of believers, and he was told that some people insisted on fasting. Prophet (saas): said, "they are rebels, they are rebels." (Muslim)

The other to talk Jabir bin Abdullah (Ra), said: "During one of the flights Prophet, said he saw a crowd heavy on the man who was being shaded. Prophet (saas) asked, 'What is this? They said' is faster». Prophet (saas), said: 'is not right for the rapidly during the journey. " (Muslim / Bukhari)

Fiqh for Traveller : AL-JAM'U BAINAS SALAATAIN (combination of two prayers)

A servant can be given to combining two prayers. This combination can be Taqdeeman, which is in advance when the two prayers are offered together in time of the first prayer, to offer Salaatuz Zuhr in its proper time and Salaatul 'Afternoon before the correct time.

The combination may also be Ta'akheeran, which was delayed when the two prayers are offered at the right time of the second prayer, to offer Salaatul Maghreb and Salaatul 'Ishaa in the right time' Ishaa.

Salah may be combined in the following situations:

1. In 'Arafat and Muzdalifah, two places in the gathering during the observance of Hajj. For example, a Hajj to offer Zuhr and 'Asr prayers Taqdeeman in the time of Zuhr at' Arafat. We can do that in his tent on 'Arafaat or on the famous Masjidun Namirah, the Great Mosque at Arafat. On the other hand, one could offer Maghrib and 'Ishaa Ta'akheeran in time of' Ishaa at Muzdalifah.

2. When a person is on a journey that he may combine the prayers, as previously stated. However, the Jam'u, the mix should be between Zuhr and 'ASR, or between the Maghreb and' Ishaa. No combination between 'ASR and Maghreb.

3. The Jamaa'ah, congregation, or it may combine the individual prayers as a valid reason for it, such as combining on rainy or snowy days that make it difficult for Muslims to attend Jamaa'ah prayer in the Al - masjid. At the same condition, an individual can combine prayers when he or she is ill.